Friday, May 9, 2014


Attention! Attention! God is still a God of miracles!
" And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of miracles and yet be an unchangeable Being? And behold, I say unto you he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God, and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a God of miracles." Mormon 9:19

Now let me tell you a miraculous story about how using the tools of prayer and faith can save your life. It was early in the morning, May 9,2014; the sun had not even thought about coming up yet. There I was, a sister missionary, fast asleep dreaming of how the gospel changes lives and brings families closer together through the Savior when all of the sudden I am awoken by a panicked voice. "Sister Wood! Wake up! Turn on the light! I think there is a bug in my bed!" Groggily I reached out to the lamp beside my bed and felt the pain as the sudden appearance of light stung my eyes. After putting on my glasses, I watch as my companion Sister Rock, carefully searched for "the big black bug" that she had felt in her bed. I don't know how anyone can feel the color black but hey who am I to judge.

After carefully searching her blankets and sheets finding no bug, we began to resign that it was all a dream. One last glance around the room, revealed that it was no dream at all! There wasn't a bug, there was a something worse, the dreaded spider! It was big, black and hairy with long legs and a large bottom. I did what any sister missionary would do, I laid there in bed and told my companion to kill it while I prayed silently in the safety of my bed. Arming herself with a shoe, careful not to lose track of her lethal enemy, Sister Rock prepared for what could be the most crucial moment in her entire missionary life. Taking a deep breath, knowing she would have only one shot, Sister Rock dove in for the kill.

A cry of dismay and fear told me before the words were out of her mouth, "I missed!" she cried, as she frantically searched for her foe. Carefully she began to search once more, while I awaited safely in the warmth of my bed. Helping little with my encouraging cheers and by holding the desk lamp as she moved items gingerly watching for any movement of the insidious spider. The search continued even to the point of moving her bed to the middle of the room. Still unable to find the intruder, dead or alive, she gave up her search not knowing how to proceed next. Knowing that we could not sleep soundly with the beast nearby, I suggested a prayer of safety, comfort, and to find the hairy fiend.

During the prayer, we felt the peace of our Heavenly Fathers love, telling us all would be well. Upon opening our eyes, the destroyer crept from his hiding place. I yelled to to Sister Rock, "There he is KILL IT!" With her weapon still at her side Sister Rock squished him in one blow. Our Heavenly Father protected us and gave Sister Rock the strength and the courage to fight. He brought that spider into light and we were able to act for our safety and peace of mind.

This may be a small miracle compared to some... but to Sister Rock and I, it was the miracle we needed! Our Heavenly Father knows our needs and our fears. He lets us struggle and search, waiting for us to reach out in faith with prayer. When we pray he will always answer and to me, each prayer answered is a miracle. God loves us and wants our joy and happiness. Don't forget to SMILE!