Saturday, April 19, 2014

Our Divine Dentist

Confession, I love going to the dentist almost as much as I love going to church. When most people find out about this they think I'm weird. 
"What?" they say "You like going to the dentist?" 
"No" I say, " I LOVE going to the dentist!" There is usually an awkward pause accompanied with a weird face. The look is usually followed by some sort of question. "Why? Really? Are you nuts?"
Yes, I Love going to the dentist! Really I do and I am a little crazy. When I go to the dentist, my mouth feels clean and refreshed. My teeth are shiny and I leave with a new determination to take care of them. The honest answer is there are many reason why I love going to the dentist, but I am a little bias. My father is my dentist. He is the greatest dentist in the world and I trust him completely. He is generous and kind, funny and full of integrity. My dad knows best how to care for my teeth and he is not afraid to tell how to best treat and take care of them. Most of all he cares about his patients and takes care of their needs. Here is proof, this is a Facebook post from my father.

  "I had a patient come in yesterday for a root canal and I asked him why he waited so long to come in. He said that at first he got out of the habit of having regular check ups and cleanings. After that, he was afraid of the number of cavities we would find. Finally, he said the main reason for not coming in was that he was embarrassed that it had been such a long time since he had been to the dentist. If you find yourself in a similar situation. please realize that we just want to help you in anyway we can. We don't judge you, your circumstances, or your dental needs/problems. We just want to help you get all your dental issues resolved and get you back on a great dental hygiene and maintenance program. To schedule your appointment with Dr. Max, please call our office at (801) 377-6448. We would love to see you."
Now I know what your thinking, "Okay Sister Wood, your a missionary, so what does this have to do with the gospel? Let me tell you... it has EVERYTHING to do with the gospel! 
Christ is our dentist. He knows best about how best to make sure our teeth, or our souls are clean and beautiful. Instead of what my dentist said Christ might say something like this:

"I had my child come in yesterday to repent of something terrible they had done and I asked them why they waited so long to come in. They said that at first they got out of the habit of going to church and partaking of the sacrament. After that, they were afraid of the number of iniquities I would find. Finally, they said the main reason for not coming in was that they were embarrassed that it had been such a long time since they had called on me. If you find yourself in a similar situation. please realize that I just want to help you in anyway I can. I won't judge you, your circumstances, or your spiritual needs/problems. I just want to help you get all your issues resolved and get you back on a great spiritual hygiene and maintenance program. To schedule your appointment with Jesus Christ, please fall to your knees say a prayer, read my word and come to church. I would love to see you."

Many people don't trust dentist's, they have had bad experiences. They have been hurt, or cheated. Maybe we can't pay the fine, but in the hands of the divine dentist we can have complete trust in him why then do we turn and run from him. Is the cost to high is the pain of repentance to much to bear? Have we had bad experiences? Maybe from someone who claims to be a follower of Christ? Have you felt abandoned and hurt by him in times of trouble? These are things that can keep some from their Savior and during that time their souls are rotting.

This picture illustrates what can happen in the mouth of the smoker. Sometimes we fall into habits that harm our souls and they seem completely hopeless. They damage every part of the soul, the gums, the roots and many times the tooth must be removed. Do we have habits that harm our souls? Are our spirits rotting within our earthly temples? Are these bad habits keeping us from our potential? We may not smile as much or we may be trapped in our habits and are missing out on the joy that comes from living the gospel.

Even if we are keeping up with regular check ups (going to church) and cleanings (partaking the sacrament) our souls can still fall into disrepair with out our own personal grooming morning and night. Growing up I was always told, brush your teeth every morning and evening. There was another practice I was told to do growing up and that was prayer and scripture study. Just like if we can still get cavities without thoroughly flossing and brushing each day, we can find spiritual cavities from not praying and reading daily. The analogies can go on and on. But my point is trust in your divine dentist, Jesus Christ. He is truly the only we can trust completely with the welfare of our souls. Don't forget to SMILE.

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